A.D. Rattray Caroni 18 Year Rum 1997 46% 750ml
The name of the rum comes from the Caroni (1975) Ltd sugar company of Trinidad and Tobago, which was established in 1887 and taken over by the government of T&T when it acquired Tate & Lyles shareholdings in 1970 (51%) and 1975 (49%) it went under because it consistently lost money and no buyers could be found, in 2004.
Gentle nose that tenderly massaged my snoot and beckoned invitingly with the soft, caramel-scented breath, and I didnt get one but it was not as sharp and medicinal as I feared either. In point of fact, it was, in spite of its lack of post-processing, rather good. Distinct, and clear, separating early into notes of vanilla, nuts and burnt sugar, with the muskier molasses scent underlying everything. And yes, a claw or two to remind you of its slightly higher alcohol content.
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