
Stone Enjoy By 7.4.22 6pk

Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $14.39.

SKU: MPIZ839581135797 Category:


While freshness is a key component of many beersespecially big, citrusy, floral IPAsweve taken it further, a lot further, in this line of devastatingly fresh IPAs. You see, not only did we brew this beer with over 10 different hops, weve also gone to extensive lengths to ensure that youre getting this double IPA in your hands within an extraordinarily short window. Thats why the Enjoy By date isnt randomly etched in tiny text somewhere on the bottle, to be overlooked by all but the most attentive. Instead,weve sent a clear message in the name of the beer itselffurther proving that there is no better time than right NOW to enjoy this IPA.


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